The grid-like layout is not just elegant and beautiful however, it's extremely efficient to navigate through huge amounts of posts.
While this article is focused on how to post on Instagram however, I believe Grids tools to view Instagram posts merit being mentioned in this post.

The area where Grids shines is with the user experience as well as the user experience. Looking at Your Instagram Feed using Grids
It works with every account (your Instagram account does not need an upgrade to become a corporate account).

The Instagram mobile app, however, these apps will work on the Mac without the need to take out your smartphone. There isn't an official Instagram desktop application and none of them comes with all the features available in Instagram mobile. I've added third-party applications as well as browser tricks. Here's a comprehensive guide on the best ways to make posts on Instagram using Mac. It doesn't address the issue of writing captions on the phone (I usually put the caption into my emails before copying and pasting it into my email). It's reliable and pretty safe, but it's also difficult to accomplish that every day. For us, the best alternative is to send the photos directly to your email address as an attachment on your Mac and then access them through the email application on your phone and then upload them using your phone. During a typical August, swells large enough to cause good for surfing waves at Flume Beach run for about 1.0% of the time.The big brands that are using top-of-the-line social media management solutions for posting on Instagram.

Because wind determines whether or not waves are surfable at Flume Beach, you can view an alternative image that shows only the swells that were predicted to coincide with glassy or offshore wind conditions. To simplify things we don't show these in the rose diagram. We group these with the no surf category of the bar chart. Because the wave model grid is away from the coast, sometimes a strong offshore wind blows largest waves away from Flume Beach and out to sea. The diagram indicates that the prevailing swell direction, shown by the biggest spokes, was S, whereas the the prevailing wind blows from the WNW. In each graph, the area of any colour is proportional to how often that size swell was forecast. Green and yellow represent increasing swell sizes and red shows the biggest swells, greater than >3m (>10ft). These were forecast only 99% of the time. Very small swells of less than 0.5m (1.5 feet) high are shown in blue. Five colours represent increasing wave sizes.

The rose diagram illustrates the distribution of swell sizes and swell direction, while the graph at the bottom shows the same thing without direction information. In the case of Flume Beach, the best grid node is 12 km away (7 miles). The wave model does not forecast surf and wind right at the coast so we have chosen the best grid node based on what we know about Flume Beach. The rose diagram shows the range of swells directed at Flume Beach over a normal August and is based upon 3224 NWW3 model predictions since 2006 (values every 3 hours).